Announcement: Tamizh Cultural Portal


As Sankaranthi winds down, here’s the surprise announcement we mentioned in our greeting. Many of you following us on twitter probably already saw, but one of the sharpest minds (and wits) in the dharma blogosphere has just launched our first sister site:

Tamizh Cultural Portal

The Network, Interface, and Database for the Serious Tamizh person.

ACP has long had many readers, followers, and even contributors from non-Telugu parts of India. We even launched Indic Civilizational Portal last year for all Bharatiyas. But TCP marks an important milestone as it provides our neighbor to the south, the wonderful people of Tamil Nadu, a chance to enjoy their own culture as well, while appreciating the Integral Unity they share with us and other parts of India.

Our Tamizh brothers and sisters are more than welcome to continue reading and participating at ACP. But we encourge all of you, Tamizh and non-Tamizh, to check out this site, and not only learn about another region, but encourage cross-pollination as well.

So here’s a Kanuma kanuka from us to you. Happy Sankaranthi!

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