Dear Modern Girls

The following Post was composed by £avanya garu. You can follow her on Twitter.


Dear Modern Girls,

You are a Princess of your DAD
Love of your MOM
and trust of your Brother & Sister
But don’t leave all these amazing roles of your life for the sake of entertaining people in society and on social media.

Do you know that due to biological clock we girls have very little time to prove ourselves as young adults. Unlike guys, we have a span of 5 years hardly. This is the time between 18-25 max you are going to choose how you want to be throughout your life. Please bear with me, but as a young woman, have to say this: Today, technology ruined many intellectual youngsters making them addicted to their smartphones and social media and socializing.

Always remember that you are very lucky to born in a society where everything is modern and top of the line whereas our parents didn’t have many facilities to plan their careers. Choose career wisely, utilize the limited time to design your life (and what will really be important in your life) instead of just copying what is popular or fashionable.

Everyone should respect us girls for who we are, but we should also respect what others do for us. After all, using facilities and enjoying hard work of parents, we just ignore their time and work. They spent all their lives for us and we just sit on Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp quarreling for heroes and  publicity to get followers. And I wonder and am surprised to see few handles in Social Media like this: A girl name with some hero name.

A pity Dad doesn’t deserve to be our hero. He keeps on maintaining call balances and buying new smart phones to us by sacrificing his dreams , still we don’t care. We all need followers with some stupid publicity in the name of some hero fan. And we need an audience to clap for our stupid jokes and support us for useless topics. If any girl keeps a post or update there will be minimum 10 guys who replies and respond. Never think that they love your posts, they just love opposite sex to kill time when they are free.

The way you speak , the way you respond, the way you maintain relations and the attitude and culture you project tells about you and is what brings respect to you in every place.


Stop entertaining every one, which is useless. As I first mentioned, you are the princess of your Dad, but unfortunately your actions make you an entertainment piece of many people on social media. Bad publicity is not something that works out for everyone. And remember it brings so much damage to your Character, which can’t be easily repaired. You may start with innocent intentions, but there are many dangerous people who pretend to love you online or in real life, but really wish to use you or even hurt you. They promise you the world and give you hell. Whereas our parents and siblings may speak harshly to us, but only want our safety.

Some poor girls may not have security in their own home due to bad family members, but most of us are fortunate in family. In seeing so many crimes around the world, we are very lucky to have such amazing parents, giving us everything that we want. Try not to spoil everything by fake relations, fake friends, and temporary thrills, and don’t get in to unnecessary trouble. At least we should try to be careful and keep within decency. Recently I came across one issue of a girl complaining that some guy is harassing on phone. I just want to know why we need to share our personal numbers to strangers on social media? Just for matter of two to three months, a person cannot be a trusted friend. Don’t you know that…seriously? Many times no one is going to help you in any troubles. You must stand yourself to survive. You should tell your parents or at least some family/friends, even they may not be able to help sometimes. Better to be safe than sorry. Be safe, girl.

Don’t take everything as a Point of MY CHOICE my life as some silly celebrities release videos. Our choice is our own—not what some stupid page 3 person or pop star tells us. Our choice need to keep us high but not drag us down to low levels where we lose respect and get treated as useless…and more importantly, feel worthless. Think for yourself. From a baby girl to middle aged woman, women must be careful not just in India but even in the Developed places like Europe. No matter where you go or travel,  be smart and at least try not to create problems by yourself. If you wear skimpy clothes, don’t demand that guys look at you as though you were his mother or sister. Even a girl can’t see a baby boy and grown up without clothes in the same way.

Be strong women, powerful women. But respect starts with Self-Respect.

A man should behave within his limits no matter what, but a girl should ask what image she wants to project. Our environment is meant to be fully covered, scientifically and traditionally from ages. How you dress for your husband and how you dress for others are two different things. It is possible to be fashionable without being foolish.  It is not just “My life, my rules, My choice!”.

Yes, it is your choice, but choices have consequences. Choose wisely.

Yes, men have their Dharma to women (men need to do better here though),
……………………………………but we women also have our Dharma.

Yes, we should have fun, but we should also remember our responsibilities.

Yes, we sometimes want to relax, but we each have some talent/potential to develop.

One last word:  Take it from a young woman who knows and can give good advice. Get knowledge and entertainment from social media, but don’t just remain as entertainment piece in social media. You’re not going to be a queen of hearts if you have 5k or 20k followers writing bad talk. You just remain as “item” or “maal” in mouths of the cheap guys who follow you.

It may hurt some, sorry for that, facts always hurt. It may hit someone in the heart, but start planning & enjoy true life. Be young, but be smart. Life was meant to be enjoyed…responsibly. We have many women role models to get inspired by,  from Rudramadevi to Indira Gandhi. Learn from them.

Live for youLive for your parentsLove your country.
Jai Bharat!!


Disclaimer: This article represents the opinions of the Author, and should not be considered a reflection of the views of the Andhra Cultural Portal. The Author is responsible for ensuring the factual veracity of the content, herein.